WWW::Bing::Search - Parser of Bing Search Engine search results

    version 0.011

        my $bing = WWW::Bing::Search->New;
        while ( my $result = $bing->GetResult ) {
            print $result."\n";

    You can also specify additional parameters
	#add proxy and response timeout (default 10 sec)
	my $bing = WWW::Bing::Search->New("proxy"=>"","timeout"=>3);
        #add minimal result pages (10 results per page) and number of first result
    Methods available in the module
	$result = $bing->GetResult; #Returns a result e.g.
	@results = $bing->GetResults; #Returns an array with all the results recived
	$totalFound = $bing->TotalCount; #Returns number of results the proposed search engine
	$totalParsed = $bing->Count; #Returns number of results parsed with this module


WWW::Bing::Search installation is straightforward. If your CPAN shell is set up,
you should just be able to do

    % cpan WWW::Bing::Search

Download it, unpack it, then build it as per the usual:

    % perl Makefile.PL
    % make && make test

Then install it:

    % make install

  WWW::Bing::Search->new( ... )
    Prepare a new search object (handle)

    You can configure the search by passing the following to "New":

        proxy           Specifies the proxy server to use when sending the request
    			The syntax is the same as in the module LWP::UserAgent

	timeout		Specifies the timeout waiting for response in seconds

    Search( "query" )
    Run query to bing with default values of minimum pages  to parse (1)  and offset (0)
    You can configure the query by passing the following to "Search":

	query 		Need to specifies when seted not bigger one option
			In fact, a search query
	minPages	Number of pages to parse (one page output of Bing containing 10 results)
			by default this value is 10
	first		Offset from the first result of output
			by default (0)

    Returns a result e.g.
    Returns an array with all the results recived
    Returns number of results the proposed search engine
    Returns number of results parsed with this module
    Dmitry Vinogradenko <>