NAME Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::SHANTANU - Dist Zilla Plugin Bundle the way I like to use it VERSION version 0.14 SYNOPSIS # in dist.ini [@SHANTANU] DESCRIPTION This is a Dist::Zilla PluginBundle. The way I use it. While this bundle is customized to my needs, others might be better of forking this repository and modifying it to their own needs or using the more mature Plugin bundles that this is derived from like the one by David Golden. ATTRIBUTES no_git makemaker attribute By default uses [MakeMaker::Awesome] This can be overriden by defining this attribute skip_makemaker Skip Default Makemaker option to add your own plugin for generating makefile no_git no_git attribute version_regexp version_regexp attribute exclude_filename list of filenames to exclude e.g. exclude_filename=dist.ini exclude_filename=META.json exclude_filename=META.yml exclude_match list of regex paths to exclude e.g. exclude_match=^inc\/.* stopwords Stopwords to exclude for spell checks in pod USAGE To use this PluginBundle, just add it to your dist.ini. You can provide the following options: * "is_task" -- this indicates whether TaskWeaver or PodWeaver should be used. Default is 0. * "auto_prereq" -- this indicates whether AutoPrereq should be used or not. Default is 1. * "tag_format" -- given to "Git::Tag". Default is 'release-%v' to be more robust than just the version number when parsing versions for "Git::NextVersion" * "version_regexp" -- given to "Git::NextVersion". Default is '^release-(.+)$' * "fake_release" -- swaps FakeRelease for UploadToCPAN. Mostly useful for testing a dist.ini without risking a real release. * "weaver_config" -- specifies a Pod::Weaver bundle. Defaults to @SHANTANU. * "stopwords" -- add stopword for Test::PodSpelling (can be repeated) * "no_git" -- bypass all git-dependent plugins * "no_critic" -- omit Test::Perl::Critic tests * "no_spellcheck" -- omit Test::PodSpelling tests * "no_coverage" -- omit Pod Coverage tests When running without git, C<GatherDir> is used instead of C<Git::GatherDir>, C<AutoVersion> is used instead of C<Git::NextVersion>, and all git check and commit operations are disabled. This PluginBundle now supports ConfigSlicer, so you can pass in options to the plugins used like this: [@SHANTANU] ExecDir.dir = scripts ; overrides ExecDir COMMON PATTERNS use github instead of RT [@SHANTANU] :version = 0.32 AutoMetaResources.bugtracker.github = user:shantanu AutoMetaResources.bugtracker.rt = 0 SEE ALSO * Dist::Zilla * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver * Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TaskWeaver SUPPORT Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests through github at < sues>. You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue. Source Code This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license. <> git clone git:// AUTHOR Shantanu Bhadoria <> CONTRIBUTORS * Shantanu <> * Shantanu Bhadoria <> * Shantanu Bhadoria <shantanu@shantanu-M14xR2.(none)> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Shantanu Bhadoria. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.