File::Bidirectional - Read a file line-by-line either forwards or

        use File::Bidirectional;
        my $file = "/var/log/large_file";

        # Object interface

        # start from the last line
        my $fh = File::Bidirectional->new($file, {origin => -1})
            or die $!;

        # read backwards until point of interest
        while (my $line = $fh->readline()) {
            last if $line =~ /RECORD_START/;

        # switch directions

        # read forwards until point of interest
        while (my $line = $fh->readline()) {
            last if $line =~ /RECORD_END/;

        # Tied Handle Interface

        local *F;
        tie *F, "File::Bidirectional", $file, {origin => 1}
            or die $!;

        while (my $line = <F>) { ... }

        (tied *F)->switch();

    File::Bidirectional reads a file line-by-line in either the forwards or
    backwards direction. It supports an object interface as well as a tied
    filehandle interface, and should be straight-forward to use. It is also
    memory efficient, since it is intended to be used on files too large to
    be efficiently slurped into an array and traversed backwards.

    The direction in which to traverse the file can be changed at anytime,
    but it is important to note that the last-read line will be repeated
    when this happens. See "line_num" to see why this is so.

    On non-Unix platforms, this module attempts to immitate native Perl in
    converting the line endings. Currently, this is limited and untested, so
    please see "LINE ENDINGS" for more information.

    I had a "diff" file describing the changes in a large (> 200MB) file.
    Based on the line numbers in the "diff", I have to repeatedly read
    backwards and forwards in the large file to obtain the context lines
    before and after the "diff" changes. The number of context lines vary,
    thus it was a little more involved than regenerating the "diff" with an
    appropriate "--context" option.

    I decided to publish this module as I thought others might have similar
    needs. Reading large log files backwards is probably the most common of
    these, but if you have any other interesting uses, do let me know.

    new $file, \%option
            $fh = File::Bidirectional->new($file);
            $fh = File::Bidirectional->new($file, {mode => 'forward'});
            $fh = File::Bidirectional->new($file, {mode => 'backward'});
            $fh = File::Bidirectional->new($file, {origin => -1});
            $fh = File::Bidirectional->new($file, \%option);

        Has the file name as the first parameter, and a hashref of options
        as an optional second parameter. Upon success, it will return the
        object. For invalid parameters, it will "Carp/croak". For "sysopen"
        in perlfunc errors, it returns undef and sets the error code in "$!"
        in perlvar.

        The list of valid options are:

            Can be either "bi" (bi-directional), "forward" or "backward".
            The "forward" and "backward" modes are restrictive: the file is
            read from the first and last line respectively, and switching
            directions is prohibited. The "bi" mode allows direction
            switching, and will start from the first line by default (use
            the "origin" option to change that.) The default is "bi".

            Can be either 1 or -1. These denote whether the first or last
            line of the file is considered as line 1 by "line_num".
            ("readline" will always start from line 1.) "origin" can only be
            set if the "mode" option is "bi". The default is 1.

            Can be any true or false expression. It is analogous to the
            "binmode" in perlfunc built-in function. On systems that
            distinguish between binary and text files, notably DOS and
            Windows-based systems, this is important. A true value will
            preserve "\r\n" as is; a false value will convert "\r\n" to
            "\n". The default is false.

            Can be any scalar string. It is analogous to the "$/" in perlvar
            variable. "separator" determines "File::Bidirectional"'s notion
            of what a line is. The default is "$/" in perlvar, which in turn
            defaults to "\n".

            Caveat: The Perl-ish magic that occurs when "$/" in perlvar is
            "" does not happen yet.

            Can be any true or false expression. It determines whether the
            "separator" option is a regex or a string. The default is false.

            Can be any positive integer. This is the size of a single block
            read by the underlying "sysread" in perlfunc. The default is

            while (my $line = $fh->readline()) { ... }

        Returns the subsequent line. This refers either to the next line
        when the direction is forwards, or to the previous line when the
        direction is backwards. The direction can be changed with "switch".
        "undef" is returned when there are no more lines to be read.

        An alias for "readline". It exists for compatability with the IO::*

    eof Returns true when "readline" will return an "undef", false


        Switches the current direction in which we are reading the file. It
        will "croak" in Carp if the "mode" option in the constructor is set
        to "forward" or "backward".

        Note that switching directions will cause the last-read line to be
        repeated by "readline".


        Closes the underlying filehandle and releases the memory allocated
        for its buffer. On success it returns true, otherwise it returns
        false with the error code found in "$!" in perlvar. All subsequent
        "readline" calls will return undef, and "line_num", its last value.

    direction $direction
        Takes an optional parameter: 1 for reading forwards, -1 for reading
        backwards, "croak" in Carp otherwise. If an argument for the
        parameter is provided, the direction will be switched if necessary.
        Either way, it returns the (new) direction.

            my $fh=File::Bidirectional->new($file); n=$fh->line_num(); # n = 0
            $fh->readline();                        n=$fh->line_num(); # n = 1
            $fh->readline();                        n=$fh->line_num(); # n = 2
            $fh->switch();                          n=$fh->line_num(); # n = 2
            $fh->readline();                        n=$fh->line_num(); # n = 1
            $fh->readline();                        n=$fh->line_num(); # n = 0

        Returns the current line number. It is analogous to "$." in perlvar.

        For a file with *n* logical lines, the line number ranges from 0 to
        *n*. When reading away from the origin (forwards if the first line
        is the origin), its behavior is always identical to that of "$." in
        perlvar - it refers to the number of lines that has been read. When
        reading towards the origin, it refers to the number of lines that
        can still be read.

        When "switch" is called, the direction is changed, but the line
        number remains the same. Therefore, the last-read line before
        changing directions will be repeated by "readline".

        Returns the current position of the filehandle.

    fh  Returns the underlying filehandle. This is mainly useful for

        Notice that this actually breaks the encapsulation of
        File::Bidirectional, therefore it becomes the user's responsibility
        to ensure that nothing bad happens to the underlying filehandle. For
        example, it should definitely not be closed.

        The underlying filehandle will be returned with its seek position
        set to what is returned by "tell". It should generally be okay for
        this seek position to be modified (the object remembers its own seek
        position and will always restore it). Any other operations on the
        filehandle, however, is very likely to void your warranty. =)

        local *F;
        tie *F, "File::Bidirectional", $file, {origin => 1}
            or die $!;

        while (my $line = <F>) { ... }

        (tied *F)->switch();

    The "TIEHANDLE", "READLINE", "EOF", "CLOSE" and "TELL" are aliased to
    the constructor and the lower-case method names, respectively. All other
    tied operations, such as seeking and writing, are unsupported and will
    generate an unknown method area.

    To use the other methods, it is necessary to get at the reference to the
    object underlying the tied variable via "tied" in perlfunc.

    Currently, File::Bidirectional attempts to imitate Perl by converting
    the platform-specific line separator into "\n". Currently, this only
    means converting "\r" on MacOS, and "\r\n" on DOS and Windows-type
    systems (when the "binmode" option is not set).

    So far, this module has only been tested on Unix where line endings do
    not need to be converted, thus it will be greatly appreciated if users
    can feedback whether the line endings conversion work on their
    respective platforms.

    As would be expected, File::Bidirectional is hardly as fast as native
    Perl I/O. To break the news gently, it can be up to an order of
    magnitude slower...

    Reading through a 250MB file with various methods yield the following

        Method                      | Time (s)
        Native Perl                 |   5
        IO::File                    |  16
        File::Bidirectional (OO)    |  42
        File::Bidirectional (tied)  |  51

    To be optimistic about it, in the best case File::Bidirectional takes
    2.6 times the time taken for IO::File. For smaller files, the absolute
    time difference may be less noticeable, so you will have to decide if
    the tradeoff is worth it for your application. It is about as fast as I
    can make it without dropping down into C, but if anybody has a
    compelling need for speed or ideas on how to optimize things, please do
    drop me a line.

    The benchmarks were performed circa 2005, on a Pentium-4 machine with
    clockspeed 2.8GHz, a 7200rpm IDE harddisk, running Debian sarge and
    ext3. The programs tested were the respective variants of

        while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; }

    The record separator was simply "\n" and no newline translation took

    Kian Win Ong,

    Copyright (C) 2005 by Kian Win Ong. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
    terms as Perl itself. This can be either the GNU General Public License
    or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.

    Thanks goes out to Uri Guttman, the author of File::ReadBackwards, from
    which I stole a bunch of code and tests. =)