# Regexp-Cherokee Regular Expressions Support for Cherokee Script. ## Overview The `Regexp::Cherokee` package provides POSIX style character class support for Cherokee script and languages. The package should be considered experimental at this time. RE symbology and character class data comes from the Grand Unified Syllabary project: [http://syllabary.sourceforge.net/Cherokee/](http://syllabary.sourceforge.net/Cherokee/) In essence, what the package does is overload Perl's RE mechanism to filter the convenient POSIX style classes and convert them into big ungainly expressions that you would never care to type. See the files in examples/ to get the gist of it. The package is only known to work with Perl 5.8.0, it won't win any points for efficiency, does not do error checking, etc, it should be considered experimental at this time but does work under normal conditions (ie you're not trying to break it). This package is developed as a follow up to the extremely useful `Regexp::Ethiopic` package and is a step in the direction towards (possibly) a `Regexp::Syllabary` package. I do not work in Cherokee myself and some syllabary idioms that make sense for Ethiopic, and Ethiopic REs, may not transfer to Cherokee. It is hoped this package will help bring out such descrepancies.